Disclaimer: This blog is a chronological story that
outlines some of my past struggles and triumphs over the years with
building a successful restaurant. If this is your first visit to my blog
I suggest starting with the oldest post for a better understanding and
more enjoyable read .
I was about as clever as they come…or so I thought. The game of manipulation lies and bullshit can quickly become consuming and very dangerous. I began to live and breathe all the bullshit I was spewing. Non-fiction becomes muddled with fiction, invincibility sets in and you become superman.
I was about as clever as they come…or so I thought. The game of manipulation lies and bullshit can quickly become consuming and very dangerous. I began to live and breathe all the bullshit I was spewing. Non-fiction becomes muddled with fiction, invincibility sets in and you become superman.
My marriage was solid, business was getting better and my
kitchen was running great. The new chef was kicking ass, the line cooks were falling
in line and the customers were happy. The menu was streamlined, cost was down
and everything was going to be just fine.
Did it really matter that a few lawsuits were being thrown
my way for some outstanding purveyor bills? Absolutely not! I was living in the
moment and the moment was good. So what if each week a new major financial
issue came up? I would prioritize the issue, finagle my way out of what I could
and paid what was most pressing. The
best part was no one had any idea what was going on. The staff was very
complacent and anytime I couldn’t pay them for a few days or they couldn’t cash
a paycheck, I always had a valid excuse (it was the fault of someone else).
PRIORITY ALERT! Phone company just turned off the phone…no
problem pay the bill, get it back on…tell the staff and customers it was a
billing mistake. PRIORITY ALERT! Electric company shut us off.” Just use your
imagination John”…Gas leak we have to shut down for a few days. “Pay the bill,
get power restored…move on. No one was
the wiser because I was so damn clever.
While at work one day I was approached by one of my line
guys. At that time a line kid, just 18 years old. He was a giant, gentle teddy
bear who stood 6 foot tall, a body builder who also dated one of the kitchen
line girls. He was very quiet, usually kept to himself and did his work. This
particular day his demeanor was going to be a little different. Without really
knowing it at the time, he was going to say something to me that would have a
profound effect that I would never forget.
He pulled me aside to chat about some issues. I don’t
remember what the argument was about (Probably me not paying him or his girl on
time or a bounced paycheck), but things became pretty heated. This wasn’t the
first time I had a heated debate with an employee …but it was the first time
that I was exposed for the con-artist I was. As the argument started to settle
and nothing was being resolved he said a line to me that to this day we still
joke about. “John Brandt-Lee, you are all smoke and mirrors” and he walked
away….Wow so astute for young man…dead on. This super hero just got his ass
kicked with some verbiage kryptonite! I guess I wasn’t as clever as I thought
or maybe my staff was that much smarter than I gave them credit for.